Quantum LOGOS

(Vision Serpent)

Quantum LOGOS (Vision Serpent) is an interactive art film created by Mark Chavez. It premiered at Ars Electronica Festival in 2019 [1]. The film examines quantum mechanics with the cultural archetypes of ancient Mexico and uses visual metaphors to explore and discover the counterintuitive and contradictory beauty of quantum physics [2]. The immersive short piece uses images as poetry to represent the quantum world [3]. The visuals, GLSL programming, and animation were all created by Mark Chavez, while Tate Chavez provided the music [1].

READ ON SUBSTACK: Rethinking Quantum Realities by Mark Chavez with a Decolonial Perspective


  1. https://markjchavez.artstation.com/projects/8egmen
  2. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8egmen
  3. https://filmfreeway.com/QuantumLOGOSvisionserpent
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJKY-lKHOdo